SAFETY FIRST! Every job has risks, regardless of the scope and size! Safety is the key fundamental for a progressive future! AphD takes pride in our safety procedures, inspections, and best practices. Everyone on our team is 100% accountable to speak up, stop work, mitigate issues, escalate, and always move forward safely. Strong safety performance and communications will ensure our employees, customers, and reputation as AphD first responders.
Safety is whole heartly our responsibility not only at work but extending into everyone’s personal lives. Proficiencies:
OSHA30, LOTO “Lock-Out-Tag-Out”, Live-Dead-Live, OSHA30.
Utilizing 23 years of experience
servicing mission critical facilities
throughout the country. We apply
dedication of ownership into our
services for all types of
equipment functionality. We pride
ourselves by instilling
the most cost-effective services with
knowledge based technical
support securing infrastructure
equipment stability.
Understanding the fundamentals of
commercial equipment maintenance and
sustainability drives the AphD
team(s) determination bringing
integrity to all client expectations.
We understand the importance of 100%
uptime, quality of workmanship and
customer satisfaction.
Resistive load banks are the most
common testing performed
supporting electrical equipment
within commercial facilities.
Ranging from but not limited to;
data centers, government facilities,
hospitals grocery stores, schools
and airports, resistive load banking
allows you to test the primary
(rotor) and generator(stator) at
100% of rated capacity.
resistive load bank method induces
a precise measurement of loads,
where electrical energy is converted
to heat, through resistors, which is
dissipated by air. Resistive load
blanking simulates operational
loads, including prime rotor
capacity (kW), prime mover
controls, with transient response
Pride and integrity dedicated
toward customer satisfaction is our
headline here. Our teams strive for
quality cable alignment for best
practice results.
Our teams are best
in class, responsible, honest with
one goal in mind, “infrastructure
sustainability”! Our team reviews
include job scope, JHAs, cable
management layout to stage the
completion accordingly while
exceeding customer expectations.
Routine maintenance of a generator at less than 75% full load causes wet stacking. Wet staking is the process of emission build up / soot build up within the genset effecting performance, fuel efficiency, and equipment life expectancy. Performing Load Bank Tests is an essential maintenance requirement to ensure performance, efficiency, and over-all stability for your emergency power operations.